Monday, May 22, 2006

The English Look

Day : Elisabeths birthday .

Place : Colombo Shopping Centre .

The moment had come for Ann Bloom to take a photo of Elisabeth and I . As always , I was preparing myself to look like a fool , once the photo was captured . At first , after seeing the picture , I did not think that there was something wrong with it , besides the fact that I looked horrible , but then , I started to look at that photo from a different perspective . I'll explain . When Ann showed me the picture , for the second time , she said that I had something that she described as being " the english look " . I have to say that at first I thought that Ann was pocking fun of me . Me ? Look like an englishman ? Only in my dreams . Most recently , a colleague/friend of mine say that I behaved as if I lived in London . Contrary to that previous situation , when the thought of being english really stroke my fancy , hearing him say that I thought that I lived in London , was something that displeased me . I shall not say that I don't fancy the english because if I said that , I would be telling a lie . But I do have to say that , I don't act as if I think that I live in London . Yes , sometimes it's really funny to speak in a way that british people have learned how to speak throughout the years , and has since become one of their trademarks - arrogant , cold , funny . But to think that I like to act "english " , basically diminishes the whole concept of " being english ", because we have created an image of the english that we just can't seem to let go , therefore , anyone who likes to speak in a different way , a way that probably displeases a large number of people , is not very well accepted .


Vanessa said...

remember our "adventure" in Saldanha? when we went to that store, and we started speaking english, and that girl looking at us, probably thinking: "they dress like poor people, but they talk like important people? that's hot!"

Anonymous said...

My, my! I never thought that my comment about your 'British Look' would make you wonder so much. Honestly, i don't care what other people think about me, and if i want to speak in english, i do it! Leave without worrying if what you do makes other people upset; just be yourself!

Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

Easily I agree but I think the collection should acquire more info then it has.