Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Perfection ?

One thing that really strikes me the most is the fact that , even smiles have now started to be fabricated .

Something that is supposed to be natural is molded according to what a plastic surgeon believes is " The Perfect Smile " . But smiles are not the first , and definitely not the last thing , to be molded by "foreign hands " as I like to call them . First there were breasts . Women ( and some men ! ) started thinking that their breasts just weren't beautiful enough . Either to attract a possible sexual partner or to just feel good about yourself , the truth is that : breast surgery is here to stay . Second : liposuction . Of all operations concerning ecstetics , i really have to say that this one really has a purpose of meaning . It's not as if I have something against fat people ( although my upstairs is fat and I just wanna kill her ! ) . It's just that , fat causes odor . Odor = unpleasant smells in public or private areas .
But after liposuction , right comes an operation that the first time I heard of its existence , I almost wet my pants - butt surgery . Either you want a rounder , firmer , sexier , tinier , butt surgery might be the thing you have been looking for your whole life . Lips and noses can be molded as well . In the case of noses , I really have to say that there are some rather ugly noses ( if one day you have the oppurtinity to meet , i will let you judge my nose ! ) . As for lips , lets face it : there's only one Angelina Jolie , verstehen ? ( i've been waiting a whole week to write this word ! ) .
As being mentally complicated was not enough , we had to be physically complicated as well . I wonder , if we do extinguish in a near future , will this planet's new inhabitants have the same problems ?


Anonymous said...

Hello!! For some people plastic surgery may be helpful, like if some one had an accident and it's necessary to be "made" again. But, if it's just about vanity, just look (or not!) to Lili Caneças or to José Castelo Branco and his "Lady"!... They just give me the creeps, and some nightmares... LOL =P Fica bem, e fico à espera do meu cêntimo =P

Vanessa said...

i hope not!